Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just for Fun!

OK so I saw this cool thing in one of my pregnancy magazines. You pee in a cup and if your pee stays the same it's a girl, and if it turns green you are having a boy. It is supposed to be over 95% accurate. So I just had to give it a try. The first time I took it I had a girl result. But I just had to do it again. It's kind of like a pregnancy test, I have to take like 20 of them to make sure that I'm reading the + sign correctly. SO Took it again and got a boy result!! I don't Care either way, it was just something fun to do with all the excitement of a new little one coming.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, does this mean you're having girl-boy twins again?! jk. I'm surprised there isn't a more accurate test like this out there yet. Hopefully that ultrasound is soon. Congrats!!
